Walsh, K., Mathews, B., Rassafiani, M., Farrell, A., & Butler, D. (In press) Elementary teachers’ knowledge of legislative and policy duties for reporting child sexual abuse. Elementary School Journal.

Copley, J., Kuipers, K., Fleming, J., & Rassafiani, M. (2013) Individualised resting splints for adults with acquired brain injury: A randomized, single blinded, single case design. Neurorehabilitation, 32(4), 885-898.

Nobakht, Z., Rassafiani, M., & Rezasoltani, P. (2013). Influence of childs disability on encountering environmental barriers to participation of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences 9(2), 286-294 [Farsi].

Amini, R., Sahaf, R., Kaldi, A., Haghani, H., Davatgaran, K., Masoumi, M., Hayatbakhsh, R., Rassafiani, M.  (2013). Activities of daily living independence in Iranian blind war survivors: A cross sectional study, 2008. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 13(3), 741-750.

Jalili, N., Rassafiani, M., Dalvand, H., Haghgoo, H., & Farzi, M. (2013). Effectiveness of handling training on stress and quality of life among mothers of children aged 4-12 years old with cerebral palsy. Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 9(1), 48-58 [Farsi].

Gharbaghi, S., Rassafiani, M., & Khazaeli, K. (2013). Descriptive review of the CO-OP approach and its impact on the mobility problems of children with developmental coordination disorder. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 9(2), 338-347 [Farsi].

Haghgoo, H. A., Pazuki, E. S., Hosseini, A. S., & Rassafiani, M. (2013). Depression, activities of daily living and quality of life in patients with stroke. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 328, 87-91.

Gharebaghy, S., Rassafiani, M., Behnia, F., KarbalaeeNori, A., & Mirzaee, H. (2013). The influence of “Cognitive Orientation of Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP)” on motor-based occupational performance of children aged 7-10 years old with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Modern Rehabilitation, 6(4), 30-38. [Farsi].

AkbarFahimi, N., Rassafiani, M., Soleimani, F., Vameghi, R., KazemNejad, A., & Nobakht, Z. (2013). Validity and Reliability of Farsi version of Cerebral palsy-Quality of Life Questionnaire. Journal of Rehabilitation, 13(5), 73-83. [Farsi].

Riyahi, A., Rassafiani, M., AkbarFahimi, N., Sahaf, R., & Yazdani, F. (2013). Cross-cultural validation of the Persian version of the Manual Ability Classification System for children with cerebral palsy International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 20(1), 19 - 24.



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