Maryam Farzad

Assistant Professor
Department of Occupational Therapy, The University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Kodakyar St, Daneshjo Blvd, Evin, Tehran, Iran,
Tel: (98) 2122180037
Fax: (98) 2122180063


  • 2015
    PhD Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
  • 2002
    Master of Occupational Therapy, University of Tehran Medical Sciences
  • 1998
    B.Sc. of occupational therapy, University of Tehran Medical Sciences



Honors and Awards /Appreciations

  • 2017
    Fellowship in Research and Methodology, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • 2016
    Kharazmi international award on Design, Build and Control of Assistive Rehabilitation 9 DoFs Arm Exoskeleton Robot Based on EMG system, University of Tehran






  • Selected Conference (peer reviewed)

International Seminars

  • 2017
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Mahmodi R, Oral presentation, The effect of rehabilitation on sensation, function and pain of patients with carpal tunnel release, 11th APFSSH and 7th Asia Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapy, Cebu City, Philippines
  • 2017
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Shafiee E, Poster presentation, The use of orficast instead of PoP in cylindrical casting pf contracture of the PIP, 11th APFSSH and 7th Asia Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapy, Cebu City, Philippines
  • 2017
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Dianat A, Ahrari A, Risk factors to develop complex regional pain syndrome type I in Patients with Fracture of the Distal Radius, XXII FESSH congress and XII EFSHT congress Budapest, Hungary
  • 2017
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Asgari A, Evaluation of Non Diseased Specified Outcome Measures In Hand Injuries to Assess Activity and Participation Based on ICF content Poster, XXII FESSH congress and XII EFSHT congress Budapest, Hungary
  • 2014
    Farzad M, Layeghi F , A prospective randomized controlled trial of controlled passive mobilization vs. place and active hold exercises after zone 2 flexor tendon repair, 2nd October 2014, 10th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand.
  • 2013
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Three different rehabilitation methods after flexor tendon repair in zone 2, 2013, India, FESSH / EFSHT meeting
  • 2008
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Short arc motion after flexor tendon repairs in zone 2, 2008, Swiss, FESSH / EFSHT meeting,
  • 2008
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Short arc motion after flexor tendon repairs in zone 2, 2008 , Swiss, FESSH / EFSHT meeting,
  • 2005
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Early Active Mobilization of Primary Repairs of The Flexor Tendons, June 15-18, 2005, Goteborg, Sweden Xth, Congress of the FESSH
  • 2005
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Post Traumatic Thumb Reconstruction by Composite Radial Forearm Island Flap, June 15-18, 2005, Goteborg, Sweden Xth, Congress of the FESSH
  • 2004
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Comparison of Early Active and Controlled Passive Motion Methods After Cross Stitch Tendon Repair In Zone 2, June 13-17, 2004, Budapest, Hungary 9th Congress of the IFSSH
  • 2004
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Comparison of Early Active and Controlled Passive Motion Methods After Cross Stitch Tendon Repair In Zone 2, June 13-17, 2004, Budapest, Hungary 9th Congress of the IFSSH



  • Regional
  • 2017
    Farzad M, Layeghi F, Dianat A, Ahrari N, Risk factors to develop complex regional pain syndrome type I in Patients with Fracture of the Distal Radius, Iranian hand surgery congress
  • 2016
    Adimi s , Farzad M, The effects of 12 Aerobic exercises with Correctional Practices on Lumbar Lordosis angle in patients with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Iranian Occupational Therapy Congress
  • 2016
    Layeghi F, Farzad M, Hosseini A, Biglarian A, The effect of Brachial Plexus Gliding on pain and upper extremity function in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome patient with cervical Rib, Iranian Occupational Therapy Congress
  • 2012
    Ethics in Occupational Therapy, Tehran, Iran
  • 2012
    Complications after flexor tendon surgery in zone 2(serial casting), POTA congress, Tehran, Iran
  • 2010
    Poster presentation of Volkmann ischemia, 15th occupational therapy congress



Selected Conference and Workshop Presentations (invited)


  • 2018
    Splint workshop, three days, Arab health Exhibition and congress, Dubai
  • 2017
    Static splint workshop, 1 day workshop, 7th Asia Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapy and 11th Asia Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand
  • 2016
  • Splint workshop, three days, Arab health Exhibition and congress, Dubai





  • 2018
    Rehabilitation in osteoarthritis patients, Iranian Surgery congress, Tehran, Iran.
  • 2018
    Orficast MORE splint workshop for hand surgeons, Tehran, Iran,
  • 2017

Rehabilitation after never injuries? 25 th International orthopedic congress, Tehran/Iran

  • 2017
    Static splint Theories and fabrication, 1 day workshop, Rasht, Gilan, Iran
  • 2016
    Static splint Theories and fabrication, 1 day workshop, Iranian Occupational Therapy Congress
  • 2016
    CPM Workshop, 1 day workshop, Iranian Occupational Therapy Congress
  • 2015
    Static splint Fabrication, USWR, 1 day workshop
  • 2015
    CPM workshop, USWR, 1 day workshop
  • 2014
    Thumb Arthritis, How to choose splint? 3th hand surgery symposium Tehran, Noor Afshar hospital, Iran
  • 2013
    Rheumatoid hand symposium, Rehabilitation in Rheumatoid hand, 3th hand surgery symposium Tehran, Noor Afshar hospital, Iran
  • 2013
    Hand therapy, 36th Iranian association of surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2012
    Rehabilitation after thumb reconstruction, 2th hand surgery symposium, Tehran, Iran
  • 2012
    Rehabilitation after cold injuries, 35th Iranian association of surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2012
    What is hand rehabilitation? , Plastic surgery congress, Tehran, Iran, invited lecturer
  • 2011
    Splint therapy after Radial Nerve injuries due to fractures, reeducation orthopedic congress, Imam Khomeini hospital.
  • 2011
    Rehabilitation in Intrinsic muscle of the hand, 1th symposium hand, Tehran, Iran
  • 2010
    Evaluation of outcomes in spaghetti wrist with DASH, 15th occupational therapy congress.
  • 2010
    Management of mangled hand, 18th orthopedic congress, Tehran, Iran
  • 2010
    Congenital hand management, 34th Iranian Association of Surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2009
    Rehabilitation Brachial Plexus injuries, 17th Orthopedic congress, Tehran, Iran
  • 2009
    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, 1 th surgery and rehabilitation of hand congress, Tehran/Iran
  • 2009
    Management after soft tissue coverage of hand, 33th Iranian association of surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2009
    Flexor tendon rehabilitation, 33th Iranian Association of Surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2008
    New concepts in rehabilitation of zone 2, Iranian new concepts in rehabilitation congress.
  • 2008
    Spaghetti wrist, 13th Occupational Therapy congress / Tehran, Iran
  • 2008
    Rehabilitation in OBPI, 32 th Iranian Association of Surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2007
    What is new in obstetric Brachial Plexus therapy? 31th Iranian association of surgery/hand surgery / Tehran, Iran
  • 2006
    Rehabilitation methods in Spaghetti Wrist, panel moderator, Occupational Therapy congress, /Tehran. Iran


Peer-Reviewed Publications (n= 25; H-index=6)


1.     2018

Kamalian S, Haghgoo H, Farzad M, Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of Balance Evaluation System Test (BEStest) in assessment of balance disorder in people with Multiple Sclerosis.


2.     2017
Farzad M,
Arazpour M, Shafiee E, Design and construction of the static progressive flexion orthosis, Journal of Hand Therapy, in press. 2017


3.     2017
Farzad M, et all: Are the domains considered by ICF comprehensive enough to conceptualize participation in the patient with hand injuries, In press, 2017.

4.     2017
Farzad M
, et all: Using the Reach Model to Develop a Measure of Participation Capturing the Full Range of Participation Characteristics for the patient with Hand Injuries. Journal of Hand and Microsurgery,Aug ; 9(2):84-91. Doi:10.1055/s-0037-1604060. Epub 2017 Jul 3 ,2017.


5.     2015
Farzad M,
  Asgari A, Layeghi F,  Yazdani F, Hosseini AH, Rassafiani M, Kus S: Exploring the Relation Between Impairment Rating by AMA Guide and Activity and Participation Based on ICF in the Patients with Hand Injuries. Journal of  Hand Microsurgery Published online 2015 Aug 12. doi:  10.1007/s12593-015-0197-z. Dec; 7(2): 261-267, 2015.


6.     2015
Farzad M
,  Asgari A,  Dashab F, Fereydoun L, Masoud K, Seyed AH: Does Disability Correlate With Impairment After Hand Injury? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Nov; 473(11): 3470-3476, 2015.



7.     2014
 Farzad M, Layeghi F, Asgari A, Hosseini SA, Rassafiani M: Evaluation of Non Diseased Specified Outcome Measures in Hand Injuries to Assess Activity and Participation Based on ICF Content. Published online 2013 Dec 25. DOI:  10.1007/s12593-013-0109-z.Journal of Hand Microsurgery. Jun; 6(1): 27-34, 2014.


8.     2014
Farzad M
, Layeghi F, Asgari A, Ring DC, Karimlou M, Hosseini SA: A prospective randomized controlled trial of controlled passive mobilization vs. Place and active hold exercises after zone 2 flexor tendon repair. Hand Surgery 19 (01), 53-59, 2014.


9.     2014
Farzad M, Layeghi F, Asgari A: Passive Mobilisierung vs. aktive Beugeübungen nach dem Place-and-active-hold-Konzept, Journal Handchirurgie Scan. Volume 3 Issue 03 Pages 203-204, 2014.

10.                        2013
Layeghi F, Farzad M, Zanghaei A: Comparison of Early Active Tension and Immobilization Protocols in Rehabilitation of the Hand, Following Zone 5-6 Extensor Tendon Repair. Journal of Rehabilitation, Volume 14, Number 2. July, 2013.

11.                        2013
Hosseini SA,  Akbar-Fahimi N,  Gharib M, Farzad M: Therapist and Client Awareness of Clients Rights. Archives of Rehabilitation 13 (4), 28-36, 2013.


13.                         2012
Layeghi F, : Comparison of Early Active and Passive Post-operative Mobilization of Flexor Tendon in Zone 2, Vol 10. Editorial Board. October, 2012 Comparison of post operative early active and passive mobilization of flexor tendon in zone 2. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 10 (2), 37-42, 2012.

14.                        2011
Farzad M:  Volkmann ischemia: case report, IRIJ, 2011

15.                        2010
Akbar F,  Hosseini S, Farzad M, Haghgoo H. Development of Postural Control In Cerebral Palsy Children. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 8 (12), 2010.


16.                        2010
Layeghi F, ,  Hosseini SA: Multidisciplinary approach in TOS,. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 8 (2), 40-42 J hand surgery / vol 34 e 2010.

17.                        2009
Farzad M
: False /positive rate of TOS maneuver, European Journal of Hand Surgery vol 33 e/2009

18.                        2009
Farzad M
:  Reverse island flap in fingertip reconstruction, Journal of Hand Surgery, vol 34 e / 2009

19.                        2008
Farzad M
: Use of plaster cylindrical casting in PIP contractures / European journal of hand surgery vol 33 e/2008

20.                        2008
Layeghi F, Farzad M: Assessment of Time of Surgery and Rehabilitation After Flexor Tendon Repair: / J hand surgery, Vol 333 e / 2008

21.                        2005
Farzad M
, Cruciate 4-strands core suture and rehabilitation, J hand surgery / VOL 30 e / 2005

22.                        2006
Layeghi F, Farzad M: Spaghetti Wrist: Management and Outcomes, Journal of Rehabilitation, 2006 Vol.6, No.4, Serial No. 23.

23.                        2005
Layeghi F, Farzad M: Assessment of time of surgery and Rehabilitation on outcomes of Flexor Tendon Repair, IranianJ ournal of Rehabilitation, Vol.6, No.3,2005.

24.                        2004
Layeghi F, Farzad M: The Use of Plaster Cylinder Casting for Contracture of the Interphalangeal Joints. Journal of Rehabilitation, Vol.5, Serial No. 16, 17. 2004

25.                        2003
Layeghi F, Farzad MS: Comparison of post-operative "early active and controlled passive mobilization" of flexor tendon in zone 2. Journal of Rehabilitation Vol.4, Serial No. 14, 15. 2003.


  • Rehabilitation secretary of ISSH
  • Iranian Medical Association, Member
  • Orfit industries trainer
  • Iranian Society for Surgery of the Hand, Member
  • Iranian society of occupational therapy, Member


Other Publications/Book

1.     2017
Splinting in Rheumatoid Arthritis hand, author, University of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences, Tehran, Iran

2.     2017
Splinting in patients with Peripheral Nerve injuries, author, University of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences, Tehran, Iran


3.     2016
Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity, 2016, author, Tehran Iran


4.     2012
Clinical evaluation of the hand and upper extremity, 2012, author, Tehran Iran


Selected Workshops Attended

  • 1998
    One day Cranio Sacral Therapy workshop USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2003
    One week Hand rehabilitation workshop. USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2003
    Massage Therapy workshop. Iranian Sport Association.
  • 2003
    Qualitative Research methods, 3 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2005
    Research methods, 1 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2005
    Brachial Palsy, 1 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2007
    Science Direct, 1 day, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2007
    Using of Biofeedback and Nero feedback /Tehran/Iran
  • 2008
    Teaching methods 1 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2008
    Clinical research, 3 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2008
    Sensory integration, 1 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2009
    Descriptive Statistics, 1 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2009
    Splint making with orfit, 2days Orfit company
  • 2010
    Evidence based practice in occupational therapy, 3 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2013

Develop outcome measure, 2 days, USWR, Tehran/Iran

  • 2016
    Splint Fabrication, Static and Dynamic, 3 days Orfit company
  • 2017
    Splint Fabrication With Orficastmore, 1 day workshop, XXII FESSH congress and XII EFSHT congress Budapest, Hungary









Supervisory Experience

  • 2003 -2017
    Supervision of 26 bachelor and master thesis in USWR, Tehran/Iran
  • 2003- 17
    Rehabilitation Students for 130 hrs/year, Supervision in clinic/ USWR
  • 2003 -2017
    Supervision of master and bachelor rehabilitation students
  • 2009
    First surgery and rehabilitation congress director, Tehran, Iran
  • 2002-2017
    Director of Iran Hand Rehabilitation Center / University of Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences / Tehran / Iran

Employment History & Teaching Experience

  • Now
    Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, The University of Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences / Tehran / Iran


  • 2005-Now
    Director of Iran Hand Rehabilitation Center
  • 2001-2015
    Lecturer of hand surgery and orthopedic in University of Welfare and Social Sciences, 3 hours / week /
  • 2004-2012
    Lecturer Kinesiologies, USWR
  • 2005-2012
    Lecturer of Manual Muscle Testing, USWR
  • 2006-2008
    Upper extremity orthotic and prosthesis, USWR
  • 2000-2012
    Lecturer of splint, USWR
  • 2000-2012
    Supervision of students in hand rehabilitation in Iran hand rehabilitation center.





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